Piano | Trumpet/Flugelhorn | French Horn...plus vocals

2024 20th Anniversary Season
Educational outreach is a vital aspect of promoting awareness and appreciation for performing arts. Exposure to classical music, as well as other genres of music, to today’s youth adds an important dimension to their overall development. Performance in the arts provides the tools to stimulate the creative thinking process across academic subjects.
Working in a collaborative environment such as a band or chorus develops teamwork, social and communication skills.
Brass Roots Trio offers clinics, master classes and informal outreach concerts appropriate for all ages - combining entertainment with education!
A Sample 1 Hour Outreach Concert with Commentary:
Hoe Down - A. Copland/Arr. Bacon
“Basically Baroque”
Concerto in C (Allegro) - F. Manfredini
“Fickle Fancies”
La donna é mobile - G. Verdi
“Tango Argentina”
Libertango - A. Piazzolla / Arr. Bacon
“Move Over Mozart!”
Blue Rondo ala Turk - D. Brubeck / Arr. Bacon
“At the Soda Fountain”
Root Beer Rag – B. Joel/Bacon